IT Tools

slack icon

CSMI uses Slack to communicate with promotions and on projects.

You can install slack and create your account with your email once you have it. You’ll receive an invitation at the start of the school year.

The Slack workspace used is that of Feel++, the numerical simulation software developed by Cemosis. The channels used are


for 202x promotions


for questions about the CSMI Master’s program

Operating systems

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or later, or Debian 11 or later

img ubuntu img debian

Windows 1x

Install WSL support then use Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 11 or later

img win


Install Homebrew that offers a lot of packages either on Intel or ARM processors

img macos

programming environment

We’ll be using the following tools in several courses

Programming languages

img cpp img python

Here are the programming languages you’ll be using:

  • - C

  • - C++

  • - Python3

    and others you may use in your projects

  • - Rust

  • - Julia

    and use advanced programming environment based on

  • - CMake

Visual Studio Code

img vscode


img github

The number one platform for open-source projects using git as a version control system, the platform also offers a lot of tools for project management.
We’ll be using Github management tools to keep track of projects and assignments.
You need to create an account on Github, a form will be sent at the beginning of the M1 year and your account will follow you during the 2 years. It will be used

  • - for projects in S2 and S3

  • - during internships, to submit your reports and presentations

  • - during internships for some of you, for follow-up purposes

  • - during EDP (S2) and CS3 courses, via the github classroom platform, to hand in your assignments.

    One reference: but there are plenty of others.